Archive for the Category "Blog"

Thanks for a Great Year Dec 20

I wanted to take this time to wish you all a Very Happy Holiday and a Terrific New Year to come.

Mimi and the 5 Pips!!!  Ollie, B, Tyler Riley and baby Emma.

Category: Blog  | 2 Comments
How Do I Clean Or Wash My Catnip Toys or Blankets Nov 04

This is a questioned I have been asked quite a bit. Some kitties will turn their toys into soggy green stained mush !!! I’ve found the Best why to clean fur off the toys or blanket is to wipe them down with a damp cloth. It works really well and avoids actually washing the toy or blanket. Of course, If there is an “accident” on the toy or blanket , spot washing with soap and water is recommended.

If you happen to buy a toy with the velcro closure you can pour the catnip out of the toy, wash by hand, let it dry and them refill it.

If you wash the blankets in the washing machine the catnip , of course, will get all wet and will tend to clump. spread it blanket out and let it air dry.

But, even after many cleanings and even a trip to the washer these products still seem to retain their smell of “nip”, and become like an “old shoe”. Ollie is enjoying his blankie from last Christmas. It’s a cozy and familiar place to lay.

Category: Blog  | 9 Comments
Couch Potato Kitties Oct 21

Catnip and Lazy Cats:

Catnip can be used to get a lazy cat off his or her butt. Some cats are notoriously lazy, choosing to sleep much of their day away in a nice golden patch of sunlight on the living room carpet, only waking up to eat and gather some necessary attention from their indulgent owners. If this sounds like your cat, you may soon see (if you haven’t already) that your cat is becoming more and more round. This is generally not a good thing. Catnip may be able to help. Presenting catnip to your cat encourages activity (of course provided the cat sniffs rather than eats the herb).

Many adult cats will respond to Catnip in a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and running around as if it was given an injection of kitty adrenaline, which in essence, is the case. The effect of Catnip on a cat can last somewhere between two and fifteen minutes. If the latter is the case, then this is a decent amount of exercise and will help keep your cat a little more svelte than without a Catnip treatment. Furthermore, if you leave the Catnip out for a few hours then your cat may return to the herb later (an hour or two after the effect has worn off) and again react in an energetic fashion.

Tyler is a prime example of a “kitty gone round”.  He enjoys his Catnip from a bowl , as well as in toys.  Of course, only 100 % organic Catnip is used in this household.

Category: Blog  | 4 Comments